[Be vigilant] Increase in attempts to impersonate Eiffage and its subsidiaries (use of fake email addresses, fraudulent websites, etc.). More details here.

Safety and certifications

Dorsalys makes the safety of its teams and installations an absolute priority. It is a key focus throughout every project stage and relies on a proactive risk training policy.

Safety when installing overhead lines


Pylons falling, cables breaking, risks associated with handling objects near power lines, site machinery digging through underground cables – these events are rare but can have tragic consequences.

That’s why Dorsalys does everything possible to prevent them.

Our safety focus runs through every stage of your projects, from the engineering and design stages to operating lines and carrying out operational maintenance.

It begins with our human resources policy, which requires that line workers receive extensive training on the risks linked to their work and that they are able to verify equipment safety.

This strategy, which has been in place for more than ten years, has borne fruit as all Dorsalys employees are now trained in electrical and mechanical risks.

HVB substation installation safety


As with our overhead line projects, all of our staff involved in the installation of HVB substations are made aware of and given training on the risks specific to these sites, including electrical, mechanical and chemical risks as well as the risks of falls from height.

Our technicians, who are OHSAS 18001-certified, are able to identify areas of non-compliance that are risk factors and implement appropriate corrective or preventative measures.

Find out more about our training

Our certifications

Line work
- ISO 9001: a generic standard that recognises the quality of the management system in place and the ability to provide the best-quality products and services.
- ISO 14001: a generic standard that attests to a proactive approach of continuous improvement on environmental aspects. 
- Safety Culture Ladder (SCL) certification: a German standard that recognises companies for encouraging positive behaviour and a positive business culture.
Currently in progress. 
HVB substations
- HVB substation installation certification for main customers (RTE, ENEDIS, SNCF, ELIA).
- OHSAS 18001: this certifies that an occupational health and safety management process has been put in place.  
- NFC18-510: a regulatory technical document that certifies compliance with a series of risk- and hazard-prevention requirements by technicians who work on or near electrical installations. 
- PASS Haute tension: a measure designed to improve risk prevention and the safety of technicians who work on electrical substations. 

Our safety focus runs through every stage of your projects.

It begins with our human resources policy, which ensures that line workers receive extensive training on the risks linked to their work.

Stéphane Graff Director, Power Lines